Valentines of a Kind

Valentines: A Time For Romance

Valentines, a day of romance, yet for us a show of individuality. Breaking tradtions Matt and I decided to spend our romantic night in a much more affordable mannor, yet cheap doesn't always mean tacky.
We dressed to impress, and I have never been more impressed by his dress, unless you count the deb and then maybe not.
So we ventured down to Mc Donalds on foot, carrying our candle labra in hand and had an awesome time filled with shocked faced and romantic slurps of coke. Followed of course by the romantic strole along the pond and along to Safeway to buy tissues.

Matt and Rohena

Valentines Date 15th Febuary 2002

Enjoying A Fancy Dinner


Relaxing After Dinner At The Kurnot Hall Bridge