Debutant - Rohena and Matt

Thursday night 8pm, June, 28th, 2001

The deb was such an awesome night, I had a blast. Matt was really nervouse before the presentation, he was shaking, but he siad he was fine, so we will say he wasn' shh i didn't say that.
I am sorry that the pictures are a little dark but the turned down the lights and the scanner makes everything dark too.. I will try to get the brighter some day.

In the garden before the deb!

Okay so I have big boobs, you all know now.. so look ast them if you can and see me.. lol.. I had the dress made to fit and yeah. I guess it looked kinda cool.
Matt and Rohena in the back yard

You should have seen us before the deb. Matts eyes almost jumped out of his head when he turned up at my place to get ready. Then he couldn't do up his own pants. So mum got in there, then I did too coz he didn't have the vest doen up.. It was funny, but I wont embarrass Matt anymore. I got stuck to my bra, well my charm bracelet and then we couldn't get the zip up. But it went well.

Hugs after the presentation!

After all the fancy dancing and presentations we had to greet the family and get blown away by camera flashes. It didn't take long to get over the partial blindness and I am glad we had some pictures to show for it anyways.
Rohena and Kerry Rickwood

This is my good friend Kerry. For weeks before the deb she was more nervouse then a guy with his pants on fire. But everything went well, even though the guys bet on her about how many times she would screw up on the night.
She looked great and did well though, i hope all them guys lost a lot of money.

Lex, Greg, Bek, Me, Matt, Naomi and Gabby.

Okay so Bek and Lex are my cousins and Greg is Bek's boyfriend. Naomi is my sister and Gabby is her best friend. Everyone knows who I am and who Matt is to. But that is the run down of who they are.
Cheridee, Natlie, Matt, Me and John

This is Matt's family. His dad John and siters Cheridee and Natlie. They are such cool people, funny and nice.

Rohena and Chris
Chris is kind of a friend from school. I don't know him real well but we have just kind of clicked together for the last few weeks.